Thursday, August 4, 2011

Windmills and Patterns

Look hard and you can see little white lines sticking up in the photo. They are just a few of the hundreds of windmills along the Columbia River. We saw windmills frequently on this trip, but these rivaled the numbers we saw in Texas (the picture doesn't show but a few). Our flight path took us along the Columbia River toward Spokane before we began to follow Route 90 through the Rockies. But that is another story.....
The second picture is one of my favorites. I just loved seeing all the patterns and colors that farming and other land use/geography has created. It kept me occupied for the many hours of flying we have done. I can't wait to see the tally at the end of this journey. Rick has to keep a log of the hours the plane is flown. That, along with calendar days, determines the maintenance on the plane.  We want to keep this baby in good shape! 

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