Friday, August 5, 2011

My Pilot

Rick has been so good teaching me about flying and making it interesting, since, as most of you know, it is not my passion. Here is his latest tidbit.
When you are flying VFR (visual flight regulations), as you fly east you must fly at an odd altitude level plus 500, for example 11,500. Going west, you fly at an even altitude plus 500, say 12,500.
When you fly IFR (instrument flight regulations), as we did today, it is odd altitudes going east and even going west; no 500 added. So we were at 9,000 flying today.
I am sure you can see the value in these rules. And while you are flying, the controllers let you know if your plane is even 200 feet off. That has never been us, but we hear it on the radio with others.
Lesson over!

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