Friday, August 5, 2011

Avoiding Weather

We left Rapid City early this morning, avoiding weather that was on its way. Rick changed our intended route toward Omaha, Nebraska to Minneapolis, Minnesota, so we didn't run into thunderstorms and rain. But you only get to see 2 pictures before the clouds come.
I took the first picture wondering who would like to live on this isolated farm. I am glad some one does so that we all have food on our tables!
The second picture shows how bad the flooding was this year. The Missouri River was still swollen and over its banks, and yet the real flooding occurred weeks ago. The land is so flat, the water just goes everywhere.
Our sight seeing from the air is basically over now. All the good stuff was out west. Not only that, but there is more haze in the air as we approach the east coast, so the pictures I do take will not be as clear. Bear with me!

Please note my new email address

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