Saturday, August 6, 2011


A really short flight brought us to Chicago - a new city for us to explore! Each city really has its own personality and we like this one.
We went to see the musical "Million Dollar Quartet" (thank you Manny and Sharon for the great recommendation) at the Apollo theatre in the Lincoln Park area. What a perfectly lovely area - unique old buildings, wide streets, lots of neat stores and restaurants,  and little parks here and there. I don't know how I'd feel about it in the winter, though.
I didn't want to leave Chicago without having real deep dish Chicago pizza.  We went to Gino's East - OMG what a huge place- the line was inside and out maybe 1/2 block long! But the wait wasn't that long and just seeing the place was worth it.  Filled with graffiti. Too bad I didn't have a marker with me. We got the smallest pizza, but one piece did us each in!
Tomorrow we'll explore more and eat less!

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