Thursday, August 11, 2011

Can't Believe We Are Back to Normal Living!

It was an amazing trip, but now reality has struck.
But before I end this blog, we'd like to share some thoughts, statistics and memories.
We were gone 19 days. Longest vacation of my life.
We slept in 12 different beds.
We rented 5 cars.
We flew for 36.3 hours.
We traveled 6,500 air miles.
Rick took 256 pictures.
Karen took 1179 pictures.
Karen lost 164 pictures. These are unopenable. Additional pictures just disappeared totally.
19 video clips were taken.
Cost of trip - worth every penny!
What Karen misses most: Private flying. A car or golf cart met you at the plane. There were no body searches or bag searches. Not only were all the airport workers friendly, they also gave you treats on your arrival!
What Rick misses the most: Flying! With me as his private stewardess. :) You can tell I added that.
Not missed: For Karen, Rocky Mountain Flying!!!! Too bad John Denver.
                    For Rick, traffic on the ground.
Best Hamburger: Rotier's Restaurant in Nashville, Tennessee
Best BBQ: Mesquite BBQ in Mesquite,Texas
Best Pizza: Homemade at Amy and Dave's
Best Salad: Holiday Inn, Rapid City, South Dakota. Can you believe that???
Best Drink: made with Hangar One Vodka. Thank you, Manny.
Best City: Chicago
Best Restaurant: Iorio in Portland, Oregon. Better than Italian food in Italy.
Best Site on the Ground: Antelope Canyon, Arizona
Best Site from the Air: Monument Valley, Arizona
Best Moment: Two older gentlemen pilots in Mesquite, Texas thought Rick was "Sully" Sullenberger! And they didn't believe him when he said he wasn't!
Trips are good when you take them one day at a time. And we enjoyed every day.
Thank you all for reading my blog, for your comments, and for sharing our journey with us.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed reading about your adventure! Rick, you're looking great. Sounds like we were on a similar adventure about the same time you were on yours, except ours was on our Harleys. Check out our blog at
