Sunday, July 24, 2011

Goofing off in Sante Fe

We took today off from travel - and just had fun as we explored this absolutely fabulous city. Lots of art, churches, and Mexican food. Saw Georgia OKeefe museum - good exhibit on using photos in different ways to create your paintings or other art work. Walked down Canyon Road and we both loved the sculptures and art work. Note the word both. Rick even suggested returning to Sante Fe. We walked for about 5 hours and it felt so good to burn off a few of the many calories we have devoured while being here.
We are staying at the El Dorado Hotel and Spa. Stay here if you visit. Wonderful, although Rick has redesigned the pool area- he wants an infinity pool so you can see the city as you swim. :)

On another note, I have lost the pictures on my cell camera from time of the rodeo until today. You are not surprised are you? Rick is trying very hard to find them. If it happens, things will be out of order again on this blog.

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