Friday, July 29, 2011

Before flying

There is a lot to do before jumping in the plane and taking off. One essential is getting gas. At a big airport they do it all for you. Here in Redding is the gas station. Rick puts in his credit card and pumps away - just like it was a car - only takes longer since the plane holds 38 gallons. We fly for 4 hours with that with time to spare. This was cheap gas - only $5.45 a gallon.

Then comes preflighting the plane - 7 pages of things to check. I have nothing better to do at this time, so today I took pictures to show my lovely hairdos while the propeller is on and the cockpit is still open.

At the other end the reverse happens, but that is easier for me. After sitting for almost 4 hours with not only a seat belt but also a double shoulder harness, and remembering to keep my feet away from the rudders, it takes a while to move my body! That is why I often sit on the top of my seat before climbing out of the plane!

Then I wander over to the FBO (fixed base operations), where they provide water, tea, coffee, cookies, popcorn, candy, or whatever, and of course restrooms. They are nice to pilots. But the best part is talking to the people.  Always an interesting story to be heard.

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