Monday, July 25, 2011

Arizona, New Mexico, Utah- fabulous day!

What a day! We were out of the hotel and on our way to the airport at 5:45 am. The scenery was spectacular- I took way over 200 pictures! Of course not all are good, but there was so much to see. When we finally landed at Lake Powell, we then immediately began exploring things on the ground. So it is late now, we are exhausted, and I will start to post some pics, but most will be done tomorrow when we get to Los Angeles and spend a couple days with Rick's family.
But the coolest thing happened. Rick found on Facebook that our good friends John and Vicki (who live in Florida) were in LA. We got in contact with them. Today while we were at Glen Canyon Dam at the end of Lake Powell, they were at the Hoover Dam a bit further down the Colorado River. On Wednesday they'll be in Pasadena and we'll still be in LA, so we'll meet for dinner! Small world these days!

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