Thursday, August 4, 2011

Flying to Rapid City, S Dak

I got in the plane today! And we had a Mom Flying Flight to Rapid City, South Dakota. They had jelly beans as a treat when we landed - that was a just award for me!
That said, on with the sights.

We flew by Devil's Tower - rising 500 feet in the air in the middle of nowhere. The closer we got, the prettier it was. The sides have deep clefts in them, so the tower looks striped. If we were really close, we might have seen rock climbers scaling those clefts. Wouldn't find me in one of those! There are flight restrictions on how close you can go to this monument (3 miles), as well as how close you can get to The Faces in Stone, ie Mount Rushmore (1/2 mile and 7700 feet high minimum). The 3rd picture is a trick - I took that on the road going up to Mount Rushmore.

Please note my new email address

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