Thursday, August 4, 2011

Bozeman, Montana

Our visit to our friend Linda Barnsley (who was our neighbor in Baltimore), made up for all the terror of the flight to get to see her. She was waiting for us at the airport and got to hear all of Rick's conversations with the control tower. She didn't get to hear me because I did control myself and not push the talk button on my control stick (which I have never touched, by the way).  We hadn't seen each other for about 6 years, but it made no difference at all. We talked and talked, and Linda was the perfect guide, showing off "her towns" (she lives in Livingston, but does lots in Bozeman, too. She loves living the relaxed, easy life there, the great art community, being able to get to Yellowstone in less than an hour, and majestic peaks to hike at any time. The picture with the three of us is just outside of Yellowstone. The water is the Yellowstone River. There was a ton of snow this year, and the river is still quite high.

This is not unfamiliar territory to me, since I had traversed it all on a family vacation when Amy had a tonsillar abscess and I went from Yellowstone, to Gardiner, to Livingston, to Bozeman before I could find anyone to treat her! But I still love Montana.

Please note my new email address

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